Monday 16 April 2018

Useful Tips For Photographing Your Home.

Who wouldn’t want to see their homes showcased in those fancy home magazines or have everyone on your social media platforms pleased to like and share your home? Well, it doesn’t mean that you live a little less good than the ones whose homes keep looking spectacular for home magazines. It just means that you might not have the skills of a good photographer. In as much as your selfies look great, your home is different and needs attention to detail. The below tips will help you achieve what you always imagine of your home.  They will make home photographing not such a mystery any more.

  1. Invest in good camera.

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No matter how good your house may appear, it needs a little boost from a good camera. You do not have to break your bank just for a day or two of taking photos. You could have the alternative of borrowing from a friend or hiring one which will be a lot cheaper than purchasing one. Your smartphone could be taking clear photos yes, but a good camera will go a long way.

  1. Concentrate on lighting.
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The best lighting your home could have is the natural light. Focus on the area of your house where there is natural lighting like next to a window or directly opposite to the window. If the lighting in your home isn’t that good, invest in sheers as they are very good at reflecting light.

  1. Clean your house first.

A photo is the exact replica of the image it displays. You cannot take a photo of a dirty place and expect a photo of a clean house. Clean and clear any mess first before taking a photo. Make sure your home is clutter free. If you are looking to rent out your home as an inn, or put out your place in an ad, then it is better to have a clean photo that will depict a relaxing environment.

  1. Have a center of focus.

It is not necessary for you to have a photo of your entire house. Select a corner in one of your rooms specifically the sitting room or bedroom depending on the purpose of the photo. A good idea is to get a professional to stage that area for you so that it can appear eye-catching. Let your photo be the one to tell the story about your home. You could use artificial lighting for a perfect place that has no natural lighting.

  1. Get rid of the background distractions.

Not every piece of art, furniture or hanging should be included in the photo. In fact, the photo should only have whatever you are trying to showcase with just one more piece. In short, your photo shouldn’t be too busy as it might have some element of distraction to the viewer’s eyes. Look for things like too many books on the study table, utensils from the dinner table or too much wall paintings. Your tables and shelves should be clear of anything that is not meant to stick around during the  home photography session.


  1. Find your point of interest.

There are that one or two things that are the reason for your photography. Be keen on it and try and enhance its beauty. If you want a photo of your face, for instance, you have to add a little touch of makeup just to enhance your appearance. The same case applies to home photography. If you are focusing on the dining area, add something like a single flower vase on top of the table of course with a table runner beneath it to make it look welcoming. You could add a few throw pillows on your couch if it’s the center of focus for you.

  1. Seek advice from a professional.

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Professionals know how to do things better as it is in their line of work. Seek advice from a professional so as to know how you will prioritize your angles. Not all angles are to be included in the photo no matter how pleasing they are. Prioritizing your photos and arranging them in that manner will create an understanding of the viewer.

  1. Do a little décor.

You can choose to have some little bit of time to do some slight décor before the photography. This includes changing the color of your curtains, putting up a wallpaper, substituting your lights with brighter ones or even some few fixtures here and there. All this is for the benefit of achieving good results.

  1. Take sample photos.

You would not know how your home may look like on a photo and you might probably concentrate on one area leaving out a better one. The best way to avoid this kind of scenario is to take photos of every corner of your room and lay them down to access the best place of photography. This will also save you the time of having to stage each area just for a shoot that will not be used.

  1. Have some fun.

It is a professional photo, no dispute in that but also have some fun while doing it. It is a good experience to have time ‘bonding’ with your home as well. This might even give you some decorating ideas which will bring a whole new and improved look. Don’t be so uptight and be willing to learn and get a few tips from your designer as well.

Wouldn’t you have that satisfaction of achievement when you see your home online and clients buzzing over it just to have a taste of the real-life experience in your home? These tips will really come in handy for you as you go about posting your home online for an advert. Do some research on the home magazines and get to see their photos just to have an idea of how to display your home as well. This should be a wonderful and learning experience for you as you go about marketing your home.

The post Useful Tips For Photographing Your Home. appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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