Monday 2 April 2018

Creative Ways To Spruce Up Your Home Flower Pots

Have you ever walked into a room and had your breath taken away? It happens. Live houseplants and flowers in a beautiful pot are always good for your home and will achieve exactly that. They add color and give off a good homely, natural vibe. Moreover, the scent and fresh air come as a blessing to your family and guests. Often, when we talk about decorating our homes, we can easily think of everything else than plants. Yes, many have disregarded the transformation a simple home flower pot can do. Understandably though, it might be because of the effort required to care for the plant. Regardless, you wouldn’t want to miss on the magic a home flower pot can do. Health benefits of houseplants and flowers aside, they can seriously step up the overlook of your home.

By just adding a few details to your home flower pots, you will have a breathtaking space. I have noticed that people (I included at one point) have home flower pots but feel there is something missing like it’s just not good enough. You want something that matches your personality and should be good for the flower too. Well, I learned that you can easily deal with that. Faced with a sea of choices and limited funds, I was down to using what I already had. And my pots were great; just felt too plain. Therefore, I looked for ways to spruce them up and you’ll be amazed at what I came up with. With spring in the air, you don’t have to re-pot your plants. Here are some creative do-it-yourself ways you can bring life to them.


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Let’s get practical, after a neighbor springs for a new exterior paint job, it doesn’t take long for you to see everyone else standing out in front of their house with paint brochures and color swatches. Why? The answer is quite simple. A good paintwork can transform the appearance of any item in question by beautifying, adding character and personality to it. In the same way, you can transform your ordinary flowerpots into works of art with just some masking tape and spray paint. Before painting them, consider if the color will coincide with your existing décor. You can then take your plain pot and give it a new coat of paint. As you are at it, ensure that the surface is dry and free from dirt. Then apply a uniform coat of paint and let it dry. The paint should last for several years but if you are adventurous and love the change from time to time; just repeat the process. But you might consider removing the existing one before a new paint job.

If you want to make your pots even more decorative, you can use painter’s tape to create a two-toned pattern. Start by covering the rim of the pot with the tape, and then apply the first coat of color. Once the paint is dry, cover that part with a newspaper and the tape leaving the rim exposed. Go ahead and paint the rim with a different shade or color. After it has dried, remove the masking, and there you have a beautiful 2-toned flower pot. There’s so much you can do with paint; be open-minded and go for what the heart wants. It is about making you happy anyway.

Use fabric

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Using fabric is a great way of transforming your plain pots into a colorful statement piece for your home by adding character and texture to them. There are various ways you can play around with your fabrics and come up with something uniquely beautiful. My favorite is covering it with fabric strips of different attractive colors. But you can, of course, go as wide as your imagination and creativity take you, as long as it’s visually attractive though. Basically, you will have to use some adhesive to the area of the pot that you need to be covered and place the fabric on top. Before using the fabric, you can paint the pot for it to coincide with the fabric if need be.

Use a knitted cover

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For more uniqueness, you can have a knitted cover for your flower pots. You can choose a cover of different or same color. Knitting limits your pot to have one texture, regardless; you can have the cover knitted in different patterns. The upsides of having knitted covers are that you can have as many as you want since they are affordable and can easily get cleaned when they get dirty. This makes you pot look good and new as long as the cover is in good condition. It is as easy as eating pie.

Use glitters

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You can decorate your flower pots with glitter just to make them stand out a bit. I’d suggest you start by painting them first for a better-polished look. Glue the pieces to the bottom part of the planter in random patterns. Use a painter’s tape to get a clean line at the bottom.

Wrap a rope

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Wrapping a rope around your planter is an easy way of transforming it in a classic way. You can wrap the whole pot with a rope or some sort of twine; yet to add the texture you can include a wrapping paper. All you have to do is wrap the planter in the paper and trim the edges. Then using a glue gun, attach the rope around the top half of the planter.

Use burlap

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I personally love using burlap because of its simplicity that makes a big impact. Wrapping your pot with burlap and adding some ribbon can make your flower pots look really cute and elegant. It is quite easy to do and there are so many ways to embellish them. Just keep it simple by twine or jute to tie up the burlap. You can also use a chevron burlap ribbon and make a big bow for your pot.

There are so many ways you can add color to your flower pots. Incorporate some of the ones listed and watch the overlook of your space transform.





The post Creative Ways To Spruce Up Your Home Flower Pots appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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