Saturday 17 February 2018

Top worse food stains and how to remove them

Where two or three are gathered, like some unwritten rule, food seems to get all over the place and food stains seem to rule. There are measures you can take to keep your linen from getting food stains. For instance, you can wear an overall, use a napkin or eat naked (is even an option?). Though the road of cautiousness is a tricky one to take considering the other responsibilities in your hand. Besides, you should live it up always because truth is, it is the youngest you’ll ever be. But as much as you only live ones, guess who is going to do the washing?

You don’t want to spend an impressive three hours just working on  food stains. Or throwing the fabric away because of a stubborn stain, unless you are a Bill Gates or a Kardashian of course. Therefore, if you are a messy eater, don’t worry we are going to get along just fine. There are ways you can get smarter than those stains trying to sabotage your life every time you are having a moment. Some stains are tougher than others to get off. Here are some of them and how to deal with the stains.

Coffee and tea stain

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It is all too easy to get a tea or coffee stain on your cloth. I can think of hundreds of ways your fabric can get stained. The best way to deal with it is to act on it immediately. But unfortunately, most of the time the setting doesn’t allow us to remove the cloth. Once they set, that’s when you start searching online for ways to quit coffee or tea. Well, the struggle is real but you can still have your cloth spotless again in no time. If the stain is old and set, soak it in warm water with detergent. This will loosen the stain as you prepare to launder. But if the stain is stubborn, mix a teaspoon of vinegar or baking soda in a few cups of water, then pour the liquid over the stain. Then, gently blot the garment and you will see the stain lift. If the stain is fresh, just pour warm water directly through the stained part of the fabric. Then launder with a detergent or dishwashing soap.

Chewing gum stain

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Chewing gum is not everyone’s thing, but who minds when you do it? (for 21st century’s sake, don’t chew it barbarically). Gum can be relaxing and reduces boredom, until oh boy, you somehow see it on your fabric. When this happens, don’t try pulling it away, this will only lead to a greater mess or your fabric getting torn. Instead, use the easiest and most commonly suggested method of removing the chewing gum stain—freezing. Keep the cloth in a freezing bag, then place it in the deep freezer for a minimum of two hours.

Then remove the bag and remove the gum immediately before it warms up and reattaches itself. We, of course, can’t assume everyone has a deep freezer. You can also soak the cloth in lemon juice and scrape off the gum with a blunt edge. It is advised, however, you wash the garment immediately. You can also spray the garment with hairspray, this will harden the gum then scrape it off. Soaking in hot vinegar is also an option.

Red wine

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We have all been there, where you are having a special dinner or moment, then the red wine stain happens! Immediately it occurs, consider containing it from spreading any further. Gently dab on the cloth, to get the excess liquid off but do not rub. Immediately apply salt or baking soda to soak up the excess liquid and prevent it from soaking up. After the salt application, rinse the stain in equal amounts of white vinegar and dishwashing soap. You can also pour white wine, only to neutralize the effect if you are in a public place. Then launder and treat as usual.

Olive oil

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You think oil poses only a risk to your health until it finds its way into your fabric. Olive oil stain is not as obvious and bright as tomato paste, but no less irritating when you see the darkened spot. Start by removing any excess oil with a spoon or dull knife. Next, apply liquid dishwashing soap until it soaks to the other side. Then allow the liquid to sip throw the fabric, this will break down the oil. The wash in as warm water as the fabric allows. Check whether the stain is gone before drying.

Tomato sauce


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Here is the drill when it comes to tomato sauce stains: do not use hot water. This is because heat sets the stain permanently. Whether tomato ketchup or fresh tomato juice, they bring such life to food but also brightly stain your fabric. Remove the excess tomato sauce stain from the fabric. Then run cold water on the stain through the back of the fabric. Next run dishwashing soap on the stained part of the fabric. If the fabric is white, you can bleach it. Add some detergent and launder as usual. However, ensure the stain is totally gone before drying it. If you get a cooked tomato stain though, consider it is oil tomato stain you are dealing with. Start treating the oil by using the dishwashing soap.


Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, and strawberries are undeniably nutritious and delicious, yet cause stubborn stain if spilled on your fabric. Simply treat the stain by using equal amounts of dishwashing soap and white vinegar. Rub the mixture on the stain and leave it to soak for about 15 minutes. Next, launder as usual. Just like with tomato sauce stain, bleaching the fabric is a good choice.

Baby food

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If you have a baby, baby food stains are a guarantee. There is a variety of baby food but basically, scrape off the excess food. Then pretreat it with a stain remover that best suits the fabric. If the stain has set, you can use alcohol-based cleaner, after soaking for a few hours.

There are many food stains and majority have been featured on the above list.  Now you know how to handle them.

The post Top worse food stains and how to remove them appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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