Saturday 17 February 2018

How To Get Your Whole Family Cleaning

Being part of a family or having one of your own is a beautiful thing. However, with family comes a lot of work in nurturing, caring and making the home as family friendly as possible. As a parent when your family is happy because they are living in a clean and conducive environment, you will this great sense of pride. However, doing it alone can be frustrating and not appealing at all. In fact, some parents have developed this sense of resentment towards their own family because they make great effort to clean and tidy up the home only to have everything undone. For that reason, it is important to get the whole family cleaning and tidying up.

A few ways on how you can get your whole family cleaning and tidying up your home are as follows:-

Discuss Why You Need To Clean Together

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Have a family discussion and have everyone understand why it is important to live in a clean environment. Tell them how it requires great effort to run a home and how their help would simply things. Let everyone understand that they should work together to clean up their own messes for their home to be habitable and presentable to guests.

Focus On Important Areas Of Your Home

When establishing duties, consider the important areas of your home first. Give them the priority. You could decide to clean most of these areas yourself because they could be very crucial. Areas like the kitchen and bathroom require special cleaning for them to remain spotless and germ-free. Giving them to one of the children might not be wise. There is also the issue of safety. Areas that require deep cleaning on a regular basis will also need safety precautions in place when it comes to matters of using detergents and cleaning out the dirt.

Discuss What Everyone Likes

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Have a talk with your family and let everyone speak out and say what they like cleaning the home. One family member will love cleaning the dishes, another will love doing the laundry and folding while another just loves cleaning the floors and tidying up. After everyone has spoken and you all know, the next thing will be allocating duties.  This way everyone will be happy because they will get a duty that they love doing.

Discuss The Difficult  Routines

This is also the time to have that talk with your family and let them know of the difficult chores. Discuss how you are all going to do the difficult tasks. If you are a large family, it could be wise if two or three people were assigned to handle the difficult tasks in turns. For example, if it is a family of eighteen members, groups of 6 could be created to help out with the difficult chores in turns. At the end of the day, you want to be fair and don’t want anyone feeling like they are doing too much compared to the others.

Change The Routines

Change is always like rest. You don’t have to stick to the same routine for months. Make changes here and there lest people in your family get bored with the same routine. If laundry is usually done every Friday and kitchen deep cleaning is done every second-week of the month, you could have the kitchen cleaning done on the last week and the laundry is done every Saturday or Mondays. Tweaking will also give members of the family an opportunity to interchange their duties. Everyone will get the opportunity to try out something new and they will all stay motivated and continue doing their share of cleaning the home.

Consider The Timing

When assigning duties, consider that every member has a life outside the home. It could be work, school, sports practice, concerts, shows, parties, sleepover and so on. Discuss with all the members of your family about how and when they are going to carry out their duties with their other activities outside the home waiting for them.  Let everyone tell you the times they will be free to help out. If it is evenings, weekend or any day of the week. Everyone has to help even if it is something as simple as tidying up or stocking the groceries in the kitchen.

For successful family cleaning, they all have to agree and set realistic cleaning goals. No one should be given workload that they can’t manage considering their schedules.

Hire Professionals Once In A While

You could decide to give your family a break and hire professional cleaners to come and do the job once in a while. This will give everyone a cleaning break that they will need. When they resume their cleaning schedules, they will all be rejuvenated and ready to continue cleaning.

Just make sure that you don’t hire professionals for too long and make everyone too relaxed and too reluctant to resume their usual cleaning duties.

Do reviews Together

Again sit everyone down and discuss their various departments.  Ask everyone how they feel and how they have been fairing on in their cleaning. Encourage everyone to raise complaints and propose ideas. When everyone is speaking out, issues will be solved. If there are people within your family using the bathroom badly for example or leaving their stuff lying around because they know someone else will tidy up, they could stop when such issues are raised. With regular reviews done and everyone speaking their minds, problems will hardly arise and the home will remain clean with everyone’s help.

The House Won’t Clean Itself

You can either decide to get your family cleaning or do all the work yourself. The fact remains that the home will not clean itself. It is up to you the parent to makes sure everyone feels accountable and responsible for the cleaning of the home.  After everything is discussed, booked and planned then everyone will know what to do. Remember to reward that childrn that faithfully do their duties to enourage more commitment.  Who knows, you might even get more time to pursue other passions and take care of yourself more.


The post How To Get Your Whole Family Cleaning appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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