Friday 19 January 2018

Ways To Make Your Floor Last Longer

A floor is an important structure of a house that is grossly overlooked by most when it comes to maintenance. Considering it is the surface that takes the brunt of your daily activities, it is easily prone to tear and wear. Therefore, it is important to invest in good flooring and be able to maintain it. Your floor can have an impact on the general appearance of your home, make your floor last longer for a continued great look for your home. It is also critical to first choose the appropriate flooring from the vast available options. Consider the functionality of the room, for instance, it would be very hard to make a wooden bathroom floor last longer because it is not the right floor for a bathroom.

It is possible to make your floor last longer and in good condition. The following are the best ways to make your floor last longer:

  1. Clean your floor frequently

It might sound obvious, but the most effective and simplest way of maintaining your floor is by cleaning it. This is because floors are exposed to dust and dirt in the cause of our day to day activities. These particles, though small, will cause scratches when dragged along.

At first, the damage might be impeccable yet gradually, your floor will lose whatever sheen and luster it had. Regardless of the type of floor you have, it is vital for you to clean habitually. There are various ways you can clean your surface, for instance, you can vacuum, sweep or even mop. Your floor will not only last longer but also give a great first impression. Try it doing it daily and watch your floor maintain that new look for a long time.

  1. Get floor rugs and mat

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Rugs or carpets go a long way in preserving your floor. They trap dirt and dust that could otherwise have been on your floor. They also protect your floor from damage caused by stain and water. Even though these carpets are a great option, you might want to flaunt your surface. If so, just get throw rugs and place them in strategic places. For instance at the door, under the table or even under your pet’s water dish. Additionally, rugs will bring warmth and color to your home. They are beautiful home accessories and gives you a win-win situation!

  1. Train your pet

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If you have a pet, however much you adore him, you know how hard it can get when it comes to caring for floors. Your adorable friends have claws that will scratch that wooden floor paneling. Cats especially are very destructive since they naturally sharpen their claws by scratching. This can be solved by trimming their nails regularly. They can also damage your floor by rolling over their food dish which causes stains and water spills. You can get an area rug to cater for that. It is also essential to clean and trim their fur, in order to reduce their deposit on your floor.

  1. Do The Repairs Immediately

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Do not ignore a damaged spot on your floor because the rest of the floor is in good condition. It is wise and more economical to repair a spot immediately. These makes your floor last longer and look better. And don’t forget to match the new surface to the existing floor, though tricky, it is achievable. It will save you energy and time if you retain the remaining piece of the floor after installation is finished.

  1. Ensure That Your Floor Is Well Sealed And Properly Cleaned

While you might be trying to care for your floor, if the finishing is not done properly, it makes it very vulnerable. Leaving some openings makes your floor vulnerable to spills and foot traffic resulting to further damage.

Furthermore, your efforts of maintaining your floor might be in vain because, for instance, mopping will get your surface cleaned but accelerate damage to some types of floors. Therefore, ensure that your floor is cleaned in the right way and develop a habit of frequently sealing it whenever you notice any cracks or openings. This act, though subtle, is very effective.

  1. Rearrange your furniture frequently

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Most people are ignorant of the fact that furniture has plenty to do with the wear and tear on their floor. Heavy furniture will tend to leave dents on softwood floors or carpet padding over a period of time. They also dictate where people will walk, and therefore cause wear and traffic patterns on your floor. They also influence where direct sunlight interacts with the floor, and thus causes loss of sheen on a particular spot over a period of time. To encourage uniformity, rearrange your furniture once in a while. Besides, changing things up now and then is the easiest way of giving your home a new look without buying anything.

  1. Treat your floor

Frankly, this is not something you might what to do frequently because of the time and resources involved. You can typically care for your floor by just regularly mopping or vacuuming, yet, for better luster, there are products you can invest in. Treating is majorly important for hardwood floors. For example, varnish is the best seal for your floor since the floor is subject to a lot of traffic. Polyurethane is the commonly used after any refinishing project on wooden floors.

  1. Choose the right vacuum

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Vacuums are more advantageous than brooms because of their greater suction and ability to clean and remove dirt immediately. However, there is a variety of them in the market and it can be overwhelming when it comes to choosing the right vacuum. Essentially, look for a vacuum that has a good parquet head. They will enable you to effectively clean the softest floors without getting any scratches.

  1. Grout finishing

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Grout is the substance instilled in order to allow easy expansion and contraction of the flooring elements due to temperature changes. Grout finishing in between your floor tiles is great, yet, they are porous due to their functionality. Therefore, they allow spills to pass through them which will gradually damage your floor. Thus, it is important to refinish or reinstall your gout after a while for the greater good of your floor.

With the above tips your floors should look spic, span and new for a long time. You will be the envy of all your friends when they come over.


The post Ways To Make Your Floor Last Longer appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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