Thursday 25 January 2018

Home Cleaning Products That Should Never Be Mixed:

Cleanliness is a virtue that most people are keen to uphold. A lot of chemicals have been made by man to further this endeavor, and thanks to modern technology, we now have access to the strongest and harshest disinfectants. Most of these chemicals wipe away dirt in just a single swipe of a towel. However, these strong chemicals come with their own disadvantages.

Some are corrosive and some are toxic. One may be tempted to mix different cleaning chemicals in their pursuit of getting rid of stubborn dirt. However, modern cleaning agents are vastly different in chemical nature and combining them may result in a catastrophe rather than birthing a good and strong cleaning solution.

Here are some home cleaning agents that you should never ever mix:

  1. Products containing Ammonia and those containing Bleach

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These chemicals are dangerously reactive. Their reaction gives off Chloramine vapor as a byproduct. This gas is highly corrosive. It causes painful irritation of the eyes, irritation of nasal pathways and also the lungs. This makes it really painful to breathe after inhalation. That is at the very least. At worst, Ammonia and Bleach; will combine to form a highly explosive compound known as hydrazine, when Ammonia is present in excess amounts. There have been reports of deaths by an explosion due to this chemical exploding after homeowners mix ammonia and bleach. Hydrazine is also highly toxic to human organs such as the liver, can cause permanent skin burns and can damage human kidneys.

It would be wise to never consider such an idea. Always keep Ammonia and bleach far away from each other.


  1. Rubbing Alcohol and Bleach

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One might be tempted to combine these two cleaning agents to clean off stubborn stained surfaces. However, one should quickly rethink that, as rubbing alcohol and bleach combine to form Chloroform. This is a chemical that in earlier years was used in anesthesia, in the past century. However, Chloroform was quickly phased out as people came to learn its effects. Inhaling low amounts of this chemical leaves you dizzy nauseating, coupled with a splitting headache. Inhalation of high amounts of Chloroform is a sure way to die. It is actually still being used in laboratories, to kill off small animals so they can be dissected and studied.

  1. Vinegar and Bleach

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One might be surprised to learn that even daily tabletop kitchen products such as vinegar that we use on food might be deadly when combined with another daily product such as bleach.

These two give off Chlorine gas as a byproduct of their reaction. Chlorine gas is not friendly to human respiratory systems hence the work by government’s militia’s around the world to weaponize it as a biological weapon.

Chlorine gas corrodes and irritates nasal linings and pathways, making normal breathing a torture. You then die by suffocation while conscious since you can’t get enough air into your system, which I think is the worst way to die.

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide and Vinegar.

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These two may appear harmless and really useful when apart, but when combined they produce a corrosive acid as a byproduct. The acid is Peracetic Acid. The problem with the formation of acids is that a small amount always turns to vapor which will then get into your system during inhalation.

This acid compounds will corrode the eyes, especially the cornea, causing unbearable irritation and pain. It may also cause painful skin burns and irritate nasal linings and the lungs. This will lead to painful breathing which is the worst torture.

  1. Vinegar and Baking soda

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These two harmless compounds combine to form a salt. Vinegar is an acid, while baking soda is a base, they cancel out each other’s effects and you are left with a useless compound. More ineffective than the compounds you started with.I would recommend not mixing them as you end up wasting precious time and resources while achieving nothing.


  1. Drain Cleaners

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Chemicals used in drain cleaners are some of the strongest bases or acids you will ever find in consumer products. They have to be really strong since they are supposed to dissolve those pesky dirt balls that clog drains.

One may be tempted to mix different types of drain cleaners in a bid to achieve faster and better results. However, you should refrain from this since mixing different drain cleaners might cause a catastrophe. You might get much stronger solutions that will eat away even your metal drain pipes, leaving you at a loss.

Alternatively, the solutions might explode, given the strength they already have. The solutions are also corrosive so it would be wise to keep them away. Use them sparingly.

Mixing such strong compounds, into the drain might cause so much effervescence that the gases produced become too much to contain and end up blowing up the pipe.

Please avoid mixing drain cleaners.

  1. Sprays:

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After cleaning up, one might decide to spruce up their home with nice sprays to eliminate foul smells. There are different types of sprays; fresheners, cleaning sprays, insect repellents – the key is not to mix them up.Insect repellents are flammable and should be used sparingly. Poisonous compounds might be created when we mix too many variants of sprays.

I would highly advise not to mix sprays in a home.

  1. Insecticides and pesticides.

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When it comes to keeping homes clean, we also should not forget that we use insecticides and pesticides to kill off disease-causing organisms.

However, one must never ever at any time, decide to mix different strains of these chemicals in an attempt to achieve faster results. Most insecticides are deadly, read the instructions that come with it really carefully.


Also, the pesticides should not be left for more than a day lying around, else they contaminate other home surfaces. Leftover packets should be disposed of carefully and far away from the home. If these chemicals happen to land on human food and it gets ingested, patients may experience convulsions, nausea, dizziness, vomiting, headaches or even suffocation.


Be safe. Do not mix chemicals you are unaware of. Seek professional advice first.

Prevention is always many times better than getting cured.
Therefore use strong cleaning solutions safely.



The post Home Cleaning Products That Should Never Be Mixed: appeared first on Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services.


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